To make international payments outside SEPA countries, you need a SWIFT account.

We currently do not offer SWIFT accounts, but we can assist you with the payment process.

How It Works

If you already have an account with us, please proceed with Step 1 below. If you do not have an account, you can create one by clicking on this link.

Step 1                                                                                      To make a transfer, please send the amount you wish to transfer plus an additional €10 service fee from your SikiraPay account to the designated Sikirapay account. See the details below.

Account Details: SikiraPay
– IBAN: SE9797700000010008637984

If you want to send €100, you should transfer €110 to the Sikirapay account.

Once you have moved the sum, please fill out the form below.

Your payment will be processed within 60 minutes, provided the form is filled out correctly. Once we have completed your transaction, we will email you the receipt.  

"Unlock the future with Sikirapay."

With SikiraPay you can have a hand in shaping the future. 

Before you continue, please confirm that you have read:

NOTICE: New Applications Temporarily Closed

Due to the high demand for our services, we are currently unable to accept new account applications. We anticipate that we will resume accepting applications in early March 2025.

Please email your details to, and we will reach out to you when we reopen for account applications.